
Thomas A Buys III

IT Guy | Music/Movie/Book Junkie | Freelance Photographer | Fitness freak | Wannabee traveler
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Red Sparowes

Red Sparowes is an American, Los Angeles-based post-rock band, comprising current and former members of Isis, Marriages, The Nocturnes, Halifax Pier, Angel Hair and Pleasure Forever. Their sound is characteristic of soundscape-influenced experimental rock, with an otherwise uncommon extensive use of a pedal steel guitar.

Source: Red Sparowes

WEATHER PATTERNS: As El Niño looms, SA’s southwest may be in for a dry autumn/winter; northeast in for a wet one

South Africa is in the twilight of a protracted La Niña weather pattern that is expected to shift to ‘neutral’ conditions over April and May, with an El Niño – which heralds drought in the region – expected to form in early summer. This winter may be unseasonably dry in the southwest and unseasonably wet in the northeast as El Niño looms.

Source: WEATHER PATTERNS: As El Niño looms, SA’s southwest may be in for a dry autumn/winter; northeast in for a wet one